Thermal stabilizers provide exceptional long-term thermal stability based on lead salts and soaps . These are considered as one of the most cost-effective PVC thermal stabilizers. PVC compounds stabilized with lead thermal stabilizers and will have the following properties : Excellent thermal and optical stability Exceptional mechanical and electrical properties Wider functional range Apart from these advantages, lead thermal stabilizers also have limitations that come with them. For example, lead thermal stabilizers change color when used in PVC windows. However, lead shows the best electrical properties, mainly due to the insolubility of lead chloride compounds in water, which is formed during the thermal stabilization process. Currently attempts are being made to replace lead with thermal stabilizers for mixed metals in the application of secondary coatings and decorative wire insulation. However, the initial insulation still stabilizes well with lead-based stabilizers.
High efficiency in thermal stabilization Non-toxic Free of heavy metals Suitable for transparent uses Affordable
AttributesHigh efficiency in thermal stabilization Non-toxic Free of heavy metals Suitable for transparent uses Affordable